Healing Waters Pool
A Division of Light of Life Ministries
160 Riverside Dr. Augusta, ME 04330 Phone 207-622-9467

Pool Facts
Why does the community need a warm water pool?
Research done by Augusta's Newspaper the Kennebec Journal, reported on July 18, 2004 that Maine was the third "oldest" population in the country. There is more elderly people per capita anywhere in the USA, except Virginia and Florida.
Living in the North East, where ice, snow and cold weather is prominent, the older population is more confined at home with less activity, walking, or exercise. It is difficult for the elderly to perform floor-based exercises due to pain, muscle weakness, and difficulty with balance. Falls are the leading cause of both fatal and non-fatal injuries among the elderly. Therefore the Warm Water therapy, exercise, or water walking is a safe and effective form of treatment in regaining strength, flexibility, mobility, balance, body control, and function. Which results in less falls, less fear, and more comfort.
Moderately disabled elderly people can keep physically active with warm water therapy. Immersed in the warm water pool movements and exercise can increase blood circulation to the affected joints. It can also relax muscles and temporarily decrease pain. (Source: Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, Vol. 26; 1:03 "The Effect of Land and Aquatic Exercise on Balance Scores in Older Adults")
Through our Advanced Health Physical Therapy clinics in Augusta and Waterville, we were able to research the effects on water during physical rehabilitation. The Waterville Clinic patients had access to do therapy in the warm water pool at the Alfond's Youth Center. Our 28 years of experience have taught us that our patients, who had access to the warm water therapy program in Waterville, rehabilitated faster compared to the patients in Augusta, Maine.
So far there is no such pool in the Augusta area. The pool that we are building will have a 91-92°F Saltwater pool.The warm water temperature enables the body to receive the full benefits offered by aquatic therapy and exercise as the body does not have to work to keep itself warm. As the vital body organs have to be kept at 97° to stay healthy. The warm water is very gentle on muscles, joints and bones. The Salt Water Pool also features special massaging jets that are specifically placed for the neck and back. The project also includes a unique 104°F hot tub , 55-65°F cold water tub, and a Sauna.
This facility will serve the needs of the community for health, fitness and physical activity as aligned to the U.S. Fitness Guidelines. This pool facility will be a place where health and fitness can go hand-in-hand with fun and education.

Here are just a few patients who are patiently waiting for the facility and the pools to be finished.

Our extensive research has shown that Warm Water (Aquatic) Therapy benefits individuals with many conditions including:
Elderly People
Pregnant Women
Chronic Pain
Motor Learning
Acute Pain
Chronic Pain
Balance Deficits
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Respiratory Problems
Auto Accident Recovery
Kids With or Without Disabilities
Circulatory Problems
Work Injury Recovery
Poor Self-Esteem
Orthopedic Injuries
Joint Replacements
Cardiac Diseases
Multiple Sclerosis
Cerebral Palsy
Sports Injuries
Post Surgical Rehabilitation
Limited Range of Motion
Poor Motor Coordination
Balance Deficits
Sensory Disorders
Perceptual/Spatial Problems
What will be the hours of operation?
Once the pool project is completed: Our services and facilities will be made available
Monday - Friday 6 AM to 8 PM
Saturday 7 AM to 2 PM
Sunday Closed
We will also be closed for certain times that will be reserved for therapy/other programs (These will be announced when the therapy pool is completed) Closed for observed Holidays too.
Pool Facts
Warm Salt water pool (91-92°F) (45'x 35')
Warm water pool depths from 3 1/2'-5'
Jets on the sides of the warm pool
Wheel chair access ramp into the pool
Hot tub with jets (104° F) (11'x 8'8")
Cold tub to cool off (55-60° F) (9'8"x 5'10")
Locker rooms with showers
3 Different Locker rooms including: Unisex, Womens, & Mens
Please browse the Menu for important details, see the photos and see our vision.
Any amount of donations is accepted and Completely Appreciated
Ways to Contact Us:
Healing Waters Therapy Pool
Located at Light of Life Ministries'
Advanced Health Physical Therapy & Fitness
160 Riverside Drive, Augusta, ME 04330
Phone: Office 207- 622-9467 Cell 207-592-0635 Fax 207-623-2874
Email: healingwaters@lightoflife.info
Contact Person: Susanne Bouchard, PT, LMT, Founder and Director