Healing Waters Pool
A Division of Light of Life Ministries
160 Riverside Dr. Augusta, ME 04330 Phone 207-622-9467

I am patiently
waiting for the
pool to open
Xandra M.


I am waiting for the pool
to open soon
Susan L.

Hot Tub
104 F

Therapy Pool 45' x35'

The pool is waiting for the dehumidification system before the pool can be completed.

I Cold Tub

Water wheelchair ramp

Salt Water Pool 91-92 F with wheel chair
ramp and massage jets on side wall

It is larger than it can displayed here.

Part of the connecting corridor
that leads to the Pool building

Corridor connecting the pool building
with the Main Building of Light of Life

Connecting corridor leading to the
Pool Lobby

Pool Lobby and entrance to the Pool and
entrance to Ladies Locker Room

Door to the Sauna that is
located next to the pool and
Hot tub

Stairway to manager's and staff
Part of the Manager's office

Part of Manager's office

Part of the Pool Lobby. Door on the right
is entrance to the Pool. Door on the left
goes to the men's locker room.

Pool lobby with the door to the gym on the left
and right door way goes to men's locker room

I am waiting for the pool
to open soon. Will you help?